School Meals
All of our school meals are cooked on the school premises by our experienced team of catering staff using high quality, fresh ingredients. All meals adhere to the healthy schools scheme and we cater for a variety of intolerances and allergies.
Prices are £2.20 per day for Primary students (excluding KS1) and £2.40 per day for Secondary students (Year 7 to Year 14). Please pay via ParentPay or send all money to the school office in an envelope clearly marked with the learner's name and class, either at the start of the week or on the day the meal is required. All cheques must be made payable to The Edith Borthwick School.
Free School Meals
All students in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to Free School Meals under the Universal Infant Free School Meal initiative. Parents/Carers of learners in Key Stage 1 do not need to complete a Free School Meal application form however, there will be an annual requirement to complete a data collection form in order for us to report to the Local Authority.
All parents/carers of learners in Year 3 and above will need to complete an application form for the Local Authority to assess eligibility. If you feel you are entitled to free school meals, please visit the Essex County Council Website below or phone the school office for further information:
The school dinner menu runs on a three-week rolling basis. The menu as of Monday 24th February 2025 is the 2nd half spring term menu: