Curriculum Intent
The Edith Borthwick School Curriculum
Our curriculum mission
We recognise that our amazing learners are continually developing and in response our curriculum is evolving and changing to ensure that every learner has access to an ambitious, personalised curriculum which supports them to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to be successful and prepared for their next steps.
Our curriculum aims
Our curriculum focuses on preparing our learners for not only the next stage in their lives but also adulthood. We believe our role is to support every child on their journey to:
Be confident communicators who develop a functional mode of communication and can express their emotions, needs and choices to those around them
Be successful learners who enjoy learning, reach their potential and are ready for the next steps in their lives.
Have increased independence to be able to lead safe, healthy, happy and fulfilling lives and experience respectful relationships.
Be active in the community to become a valued member of their community and access new experiences.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that every learner experiences, develops, and consolidates skills and knowledge that will have the greatest impact on their daily lives. To provide the best possible education, our curriculum is flexible and personalized to meet individual needs while building on each learner's strengths and interests.
Key Features of Our Curriculum:
Personalised Learning: The curriculum is tailored to meet individual needs, ensuring that each learner can build on prior knowledge and experience success and achievement through carefully planned and engaging learning opportunities.
Enrichment Activities: We offer new and exciting experiences through enrichment activities, enhancing learning by providing opportunities to practice skills within the school and the local community.
Therapeutic Provision: Embedded throughout the curriculum, therapeutic provision ensures that every learner’s communication, medical, sensory, regulation, and physio needs are met each day.
Our approach supports learners in building on their prior knowledge, experiencing success, and achieving their potential. By providing a range of learning opportunities and experiences, we aim to foster a love for learning and help learners develop skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
To learn more about our curriculum and how it supports our learners at every stage of their journey, we invite you to explore the dedicated pages.